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Ted Temertzoglou
Ted Temertzoglou was a Health and Physical Education Teacher for the Toronto District School Board for 20 years, and has taught in the Birchmount Exceptional Athlete Program. Presently he works with Thompson Educational Publishing creating learning resources for Health and Physical Education K-12. He is the lead author for many books, including the newly released Introduction to Kinesiology: Exercise Science 2nd Edition (university preparation course), Exercise Science: Introduction to Health and Physical Education and Healthy Active Living: Keep Fit Stay Healthy Have Fun used in Ontario and New Brunswick. Mr Temertzoglou is a former Ontario Board representative for Physical and Health Education (PHE) Canada advocating and promoting the importance of quality daily health and physical education programs in schools across Canada. He is a certified personal trainer with The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiologist (CSEP). Mr Temertzoglou was the recipient of the Ontario Physical and Health Education Association’s Outstanding Contribution Award in 2008. He completed his MA in Physical and Health Education with a research focus in student success and teacher-student rapport. Ted has worked with Health and Physical Education teachers from around the world delivering keynote addresses and conducting workshops in the USA, Asia, Europe and Africa. ted@thompsonbooks.com
Fostering 21st Century Physically Literate Learners
We have chosen one of the most honourable, powerful and inspiring professions on the planet. Yet in many countries around the world health and physical education has taken a back seat to other subjects deemed more important. What can we do as the gatekeepers of health & physical education for the future of our profession? After all, we don’t inherit programming from the ones that came before us we borrow it from our future teachers. How will we leave the state of our profession when it is our turn to pass on the baton?
Activating Physically Literate Communities
See how communities across Canada are changing how PE is implemented. Infused with physical literacy strategies, assessment and evaluation practices and core health issues, the Healthy Active Living: Keep Fit, Stay Healthy, Have Fun and Kinesiology: An Introduction to Exercise Science resources help secondary students succeed.
Learning to Train, Training to Win
This active session takes participants through movement preparation activities that develop functional movement patterns which align with the Long Term Athlete Development Model. Learn correct movement patterns to build competence and confidence in implementing instructional strategies for inclusive physical fitness at the secondary level and co-curricular activities.
Making Connections Between Physical Literacy & Physical Fitness (with Carolyn Temertzoglou)
This workshop explores opportunities for participants to reflect on their role as PE teachers to support their students to develop physical literacy; to deepen their understanding of fundamental principles of a quality PE program and how they connect to physical literacy and physical fitness assessment. Assessment tools will be provided to help participants apply and develop their own assessment practices.