Technology & Social Media for the Physical Education Teacher

Add to Calendar 11/14/2019 09:00 AM 11/14/2019 04:00 PM Asia/Hong_Hong Technology and Social Media for the Physical Education Teacher This Instructor Course enables a physical education professional to initiate and lead the Parkour For Schools Programme operated by any school. The course can be built on by attending Parkour For Schools Continuing Professional Development (CPD) days, accessing more lesson plans and teaching aids to help you stay updated and provide great content all year round for the students.

In this fast paced, hands on workshop PE Teachers will explore tools that improve efficiency, assessment and finally explore the use of social media to become a “connected PE teacher”.

Key Details

This is a full day workshop.
15 November // 09:00 – 16:00
Cost: US$199 (excluding 4% registration fee)

Andy Hair is a PhysEd Teacher based in Geelong (Australia), and also works for School Sport Victoria as Regional Coordinator. He has been with this organisation for the past 20 years acting in various roles, and focusses on providing children with pathways to participation in competitive sport. Read More.

Google Drive transformed the collaborative nature of Physical Education from a one person curriculum influence to a world wide structure in which our students benefitted.
In this session Andy will take you through furthering your understanding of Google Drive. With Docs, Sheets, Forms and multiple add-ons he can will help you transform your workflow so that you can work less and think more.
It will also share some of the successes of his program where Flipped Learning gave students the power and LIVE Sports carnivals which connected parents who worked full time.

Repetition, Achievable, Success Orientated Assessment creates a sense of autonomy for our students allowing them to create a line in the sand of what they are capable of.
In this session Andy will share how he breaks down the Curriculum to components of Physical Literacy to create a learning journey which students help write. His sense of simple yet challenging, predictable and repetitive assessment allows all children to identify with their assessment.
Andy will share with you a platform called Plickers which has tremendous power with formative assessment and will connect you with an educator from the USA leading the way in this area.
He will also encourage you to use instant replay apps and create Gifs to multiply the presence of feedback throughout the classroom.
IDOCEO will be the platform for data gathering in this session. If you don’t have the APP yet on your device please download it.

The Twitter Family in #PhysEd is huge. Being connected builds conversations. Conversations builds collaboration and collaboration builds deeper engagement into Physical Education and Health.
In this session Andy will take you from the basics of signing up to Twitter right through to being engagement in a #PEChat. He will share success stories of connections and advocation where dreams and ideas can be shared and replicated across the other side of the world. Andy will show you how Twitter and Facebook has created free professional development to uplift and motivate his professional practice.
Andy testifies that Twitter above everything else in ICT is the one thing that took him from enjoying teaching PE to leading the new wave of PE within Australia and contributing to many fresh and inspired PhysEd teachers throughout the the world.