This one-day course is designed to introduce sports and PE  teachers to the fundamental concepts and training principles of parkour/freerunning for use as part of a physical education class in a managed school setting. It serves as an introduction, and enables a sports teacher to initiate basic elements of parkour/freerunning training within the school environment.

The course is built around the principles of Discovery, Challenge and Play. Spotting, use of equipment, and health & safety are concepts taught throughout the course, as well as teaching styles encouraging student-centred learning and process-driven approaches. Participants will engage in physical exercises, sample drills, games and teaching practice. 

There will also be a discussion of suitable spaces and equipment for both indoor and outdoor spaces.

PHASE CN – Shanghai

Date and Time
18 April 2025
9am – 4pm

Shanghai American School China (Pudong Campus)


Note: You do not need to register for the main PHASE Conference to attend this one day workshop.

100% of previous participants said they would recommend workshop to their peers

“A lot more than Parkour… Excellent content delivered in an engaging way. A day’s personal learning that will lead to years of student learning. Awesome.“


Dan Edwardes

Founder, Parkour Generations

Dan is founder and CEO of Parkour Generations, a multi-award winning and multi-national organisation for parkour, and has studied practical movement and physical fitness his entire life, with an elite background in fighting arts before finding parkour. Dan created the globally recognised A.D.A.P.T parkour coaching qualifications which have been delivered in over 35 countries, as well as the Parkour Fitness Specialist certifications, and the worldwide Parkour For Schools Programme. Dan was also central to the creation and success of the world’s first National Governing Body for the discipline, Parkour UK. His education programmes have been accredited by numerous international bodies, from ACE and NASM in the USA to 1st4Sport Qualifications in the UK and UISP in Italy, and focus on the science and art of coaching and movement, and on helping people reach their potential through embracing challenge, risk and adversity. Across a twenty year career in teaching Dan has delivered courses, workshops and events to tens of thousands of people worldwide and has no plans to stop anytime soon.