Physical education and sport coaching globally is evolving in interesting ways. The growing recognition of the role that schools and sport historically played in western nations colonizing in the past is challenging us to decolonize and ‘indigenise’ curriculum, and to examine how to celebrate culture and create cultural interfaces through sport and physical activity.
Physical education and sport coaching is adapting to the ever-increasing human-technology interface by using technology to ‘power up’ the learning environment for the development of independent, self-regulated learners. However, a constant over the past 30 years is the challenge of global reporting of children and youth with ‘less than your grandparents’ levels of movement ability and consequently, higher levels of inactivity.
In this presentation, we will look at examples of how Health and Physical Education from K-10 and sport coaching ‘at the leading edge’ is responding to each of these challenges.
Learning outcomes
- Know what it means to decolonize the curriculum
- Understand how physical education can play a part in sports development through a game-based approach
- Explore teaching indigenous games authentically by using indigenous pedagogy at the cultural interface
- Experience an application of play with purpose for teaching and learning ‘global games’
Phuket 2023
Job Role Applicability:
- PE Teachers
- Coaches
- Athletic Directors
- Dance Teachers
- Health Teachers
- Outdoor Education Specialists
- Curriculum Planning
- Health & Wellness
- Movement
- Physical Literacy
- Sports Science
- Technology
- Coaching
- Lower Elementary [Age 4 - 6]
- Upper Elementary [Age 8 - 10]
- Middle School [Age 11 - 13]
- High School [Age 14 - 17]