This workshop provides a great foundation to consider how to build an AWESOME PE offer at your school..
It will introduce you to the following 5 As to creating a great experience for your students in physical education:
- Ambitions – at the heart of everything you need more than just the learning aims or intentions for students, your why needs to be more ACE (ambitious, challenging and exciting) than that. This lesson will help you consider and capture a purpose (intent) for PE that is right for your school
- Atmosphere – how will you create that buzz and appetite for learning in your teaching spaces? How will you achieve it with all your groups, day in and day out? This lesson also explores how you can ensure all colleagues who deliver PE are committed to the same priorities
- Approaches – what methods and models-based practice will you use? Many PE teachers are guilty of resorting to teacher centred direct instruction and skill-drill teaching with a focus on technique but is that the best way to excite all learners and promote progress? This lesson will introduce you to more student-centred approaches like Sport Education, Teaching Games for Understanding and Health-Based PE
- Assessment – how do you utilise diagnostic, formative and summative assessment that values holistic development and not just what is easy to measure? This lesson will help you align what and how you assess to your curriculum intent
- Activities – what SPAM (sport, physical activity & movement) vehicles and learning tasks you utilise should be selected based on needs and motivations of your students not logistics, teacher preferences and tradition. This lesson will help you consider and select the most appropriate activities to build into your curriculum offer based on a needs analysis.
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September 2021
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