The world of PE is ever-changing. More and more PE departments and PE teachers are reflecting on what PE looks and functions like within their schools and looking to make meaningful changes or adaptations to benefit their pupils. This is always a good thing.
This hour-long, interactive workshop will challenge participants to reflect on their provision through a lens of Positivity and Praise-driven engagement. We will explore the importance of providing positive opportunities and recognising and praising the engagement of our pupils. By building a positive and praise-driven framework within which PE can take place, we are supercharging opportunity whilst at the same time limiting the risk of long-term relational damage between young people and physical activity.
Using the examples from Happiness Factories, Phil will take participants on a tour of the positive practice showcased around the world, and ask questions and pose challenges of those involved, to look at their own provision and find increased ways to put positivity at the heart of everything we do.
Online Streaming
Job Role Applicability:
- Preschool
- Early Years
- Primary Years
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years
- Coaches
- Athletic Directors
- Health Teachers
- Outdoor Education Specialists
- Lower Elementary [Age 4 - 6]
- Upper Elementary [Age 8 - 10]
- Middle School [Age 11 - 13]
- High School [Age 14 - 17]