2015 Keynotes

Dr. Graham Dodd

Vice President – ACHPER National

Graham originally taught at Unley High School in South Australia prior to working for the South Australian Education Department. He then became a Senior Lecturer & Program Director of Secondary PE/Human Movement at the University of South Australia.

Dr. Shane Pill

Senior Lecturer at Flinders University

Shane previously worked for 18 years as a science and physical education teacher in schools in Perth and Adelaide where he held various leadership positions including HPE Coordinator, Sport Coordinator, Year Level Coordinator, Director of School Administration and Deputy Principal.

Dr. Trisha Leahy

Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Sports Institute

Trisha is the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Sports Institute, the HKSAR delivery agent for elite sport systems. Trisha previously worked as a Senior Psychologist at the Australian Institute of Sport with Olympic athletes  and teams before and during the 2000 Olympic Games.

Trisha is a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Medical Commission’s expert consultative committee on the prevention of abuse in sport (2007-2015) and she was also a member of a UNICEF expert working group advising on research and policy to prevent violence against children in sport from 2007-2009.

Dr. Aaron Beighle

Department of Kinesiology and Health Promotion at the University of Kentucky

Aaron has authored more than 60 research-based and practical articles. In addition, was on the writing committee for NASPE’s Comprehensive School Physical Activity Promotion: A position statement and serves on the Lets Move Active Schools Physical Activity Leader training development team.

Andy Vasily

Keynote, Consultant, Teacher

Andy Vasily is a leading teacher who has taught at International Baccalaureate schools in 4 different countries over the past 15 years. He completed his teaching training at the University of Windsor in Ontario, Canada.

Nathan Horne

Physical Education Specialist

Nathan is a Physical Education specialist currently based in Singapore. He is the founder of iPhys-Ed.com: the definitive guide to Inquiry & Technology in Physical Education. He is committed to collaborating with other 21st century Physical Educators to improve the standard of Physical Education instruction all around the world.