

Inclusive and Engaging Puberty Education

This workshop will overview setting classroom ground rules, designing student-centered learning activities, answering student questions, and will dig deep into the ‘why’ behind keeping all genders together for puberty education.

Pedagogy & Curriculum

October 31, 2023 - 09:00

Upcoming Live Session
Upcoming Live Session
Embodied Affectivity in Physical Education

Embodied affectivity in physical education is a brief explanation of my research on the affective domain of learning in PE (in my case in the Early Years but potentially relevant to other age groups). I would discuss what is observable and meaningful to both the students and teacher, and offer pedagogical strategies to support student learning.

Pedagogy & Curriculum
Street Smart: Personal Safety & Self Defense for Tweens & Teens

This presentation introduces educators to the basics of personal safety for students who are tweens and teens. As such students become more independent from the adults in their lives, it is important for them to develop a sense of personal safety.

Sports & Coaching

November 28, 2023 - 10:00

Upcoming Live Session
Enhancing Students’ Conceptual Learning of Physical Education Territorial Invasion Games Through Student-Centred Approach

In this presentation, the participants will be able to gain insights into the intent, teaching processes and assessments of students’ learning outcomes using student-centred approach for conceptual teaching in Physical Education lessons.

Pedagogy & Curriculum

November 15, 2023 - 07:00

Upcoming Live Session